New Day Realty Corporation (NDRC) released another 4-bedroom house model on Nov. 6, 2023, giving prospective clients of Tinago B
el-Air a total of six (6) model options for their future house.
The new model house, Sereno, is single-attached and has a typical lot area of 115 square meters and floor area of 87.25 squar
e meters. Its features include 4 bedrooms, 3 toilet & bath, 2 parking areas, and a service area.
It is slightly smaller than the other 4-bedroom model Monticello, which has a typical lot area of 120 square meters and a floor area of 96 square meters. The Sereno also does not have a balcony and a patio.
Other house models available are Sunnyville (rowhouse), Villafresca (townhouse), Pristino 1 (3-bedroom, single-detached), and Pristino 2 (2-bedroom, single detached).
The Tinago Bel-Air Subdivision project, located in Mimbalot, Buru-un, Iligan City, seeks to build 619 house units. It carries the theme "Life's a breeze here," which promises easy, breezy living for future residents.
NDRC is a real estate developer based in Iligan City that carries a vision of a world where everyone has access to a home they deserve and can call their own.